A data center is a special facility where companies store the hosting servers employed for their offline or online services - web hosting, email servers, computing, file storage, etcetera. The data center provides the environment for the machines accommodated there to operate at their very best capacity while conserving their life. This is achieved by offering exceptional environmental conditions - temperatures, air humidity, protection against natural disasters, etc. All data centers also have electric power and Internet backups, which are a safeguard in the event of infrastructural problems, and which ensure the continuous work of the servers and the access to them. The limited access to this type of facilities delivers an additional layer of defense against unauthorized access by third-parties. In the event that you employ the online services of any firm, a good data center will significantly improve the standard of the service and your consumer experience.

Data centers in Cloud Hosting

We offer our cloud hosting plans in five fantastic data centers around the world in order to offer you a choice to select the one closer to you or to your target region. Our innovative cloud hosting platform is available in all five of them, so you shall enjoy the exact same standard of service irrespective of your choice. The facilities that are situated in the U.S., the UK, Australia, BG and Finland, provide multi-gigabit connectivity via numerous backbone Internet suppliers and efficient backup generators to ensure that your Internet sites will be operational all the time. Because qualified tech support crews deal with our machines on all 3 continents, we could focus on developing new services and enhancing the existing ones on a regular basis, so we could offer you the first-class web hosting service that you have always desired.

Data centers in Dedicated Hosting

We've selected one of the largest data centers on earth for the dedicated server solutions we provide. The Colohouse facility in the town center of Chicago provides exceptional conditions for all web servers accommodated there and that's one of the factors to pick it for our hosting servers. The data center is amongst the best places to host sites that target North America as it offers direct fiber connections with many major cities across the United States and Canada, so how fast visitors will open your sites shall depend solely on their Internet connection. Several Internet service providers and a 1.5 MW diesel backup generator ensure that your dedicated server will be working all the time and that your sites shall never go offline. The most up-to-date generation of Cisco network components and meticulously tested server spares plus a 24-7 technical support are also amongst the factors behind our choice to offer dedicated web hosting in the Colohouse facility.